Godoku v0.3.4


The main feature of this update is upgrading Godot to version 4.2.2.

  • The Godot engine update significantly improves the audio experience for a minority of users experiencing crackling or distortion.
  • Adds a warning to notify players that scores will not be saved when replaying known seeds.
  • Tweaks the gamepad direction input repeat to be a little more consistent.
  • Changes the num available UI to be easier to click when using mouse / touch controls.
  • Tweaks the theme to fix some UI edge cases
  • Standardizes the way menus interact with sound effects and the audio manager
  • Adds an auto-select when using the "focus num pad" and "focus note pad" buttons. You no longer have to click / select the play field cell before using those shortcuts.

In a previous update:

  • We added a fullscreen toggle in the settings menu, but it was undocumented in the devlog.

Now that the input remapping is working well, we removed the list of controls from the main game page. For posterity, you can review the defaults here:

  • Pause: ESC, XBox "Start" / Playstation "Options"
  • Quit: Backspace, XBox "Back" / Playstation "Select"
  • Accept: Enter, XBox A / Playstation X
  • Cancel: ESC, XBox B / Playstation O
  • Hint: H, XBox Y / Playstation 🔺
  • Quick entry: Keyboard number keys enter a number into the currently selected cell
  • Next Available Number: PgUp, E, XBox RB / Playstation R1
  • Prev Available Number: PgDown, Q, XBox LB / Playstation L1
  • Focus Selected Cell: Key X, XBox X / Playstation Square
  • Focus Entry Pad: Key Z, XBox LT / Playstation L2
  • Focus Annotation Pad: Key C, XBox RT / Playstation R2

Godot Dev

A lot of these devlogs have been about Godot's pain points, because those are obstacles that we'd like other people to know about. But it's an amazing project overall, with great contributions from a wide variety of developers. Their new update addresses a number of problems we've had over the course of trying out 4.x.

The audio issue we covered above is occasionally grating, but it's not the kind of thing that makes you want to quit using an engine entirely. The scene corruption, though, requires inspecting scenes with outside tools and massaging the data by hand just to get the editor to open them again. Seeing them take things seriously and publish improvements in such a short timespan is really encouraging.


Godoku_0.3.4.zip 47 MB
Apr 24, 2024

Get Serene Sudoku

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